CPD Directory

Please use the CPD directory search below to find an accredited CPD provider or accredited CPD activity. The CPD Standards Office works with a variety of training providers, speakers, coaches, employers and knowledge organisations to recognise face-to-face training courses and events, online learning, and one to one coaching. A pan-industry, multi-disciplinary accreditation, you can use the CPD directory to find any topic to suit your CPD needs or check if a provider is registered with us.

Search by keyword

Use keyword search to find a CPD accredited training provider.

Search for an Accredited Provider or Professional Institute*

The easiest way to find a provider or a Professional Institute, Association, or a Membership organisation. Just search the name of the provider and we'll see if we can find it on our database.

Choose a category

Click / Hover on each letter to see the respective categories and browse providers based on their industry.

Do you have a Provider ID?

If you wish to check if a provider is still active or want to find out more details, the easiest way is by provider ID.

Search for a Coach

The easiest way to find a coach. Enter the name of the coach and well see if we can find it on our database

* Please note that information and pages about professional institutes, regulators and membership organisations are not formally affiliated with the CPD Standards Office. These pages are for education and information purposes only and to educate about CPD policies and practice.