CEJI – A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe

CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 22118

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Category: Business Skills, Coaching Programmes & Solutions, Education & Training Centres, Governance & Compliance, Personal & Professional Development, Security


Facing Facts Online has offered a wide variety of learning opportunities on hate crime and hate speech for various stakeholders since 2012. Our cutting-edge content and learning design are based on the latest research and evidence and delivered in partnership with international and national experts. We bring our expertise on hate crime and hate speech research and training to the key consultative platforms of the European Union and other international organisations.

Led by the European NGO CEJI – A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe, Facing Facts Online offers on-demand and custom-made training for a range of target groups including CSOs, law enforcement, IGOs, ombudspersons and equality bodies, public authorities, policymakers, researchers and academics, individual activists and anyone else interested in gaining a deeper knowledge of hate crime and hate speech. 

Accredited Activities:

  • Monitoring and Responding to Hate Crime

Who Should Attend:

At Facing Facts, we understand that when it comes to recording and data collection on hate crimes and keeping victims safe, no single agency or institution has the full picture. This course is for the following organisations and institutions that need to work together for the benefit of victims and communities: 

  • Civil society organisations that monitor hate crime and provide victim support 
  • Police who investigate and prevent crime 
  • Prosecutors who bring cases through the criminal justice process 
  • Civil servants and policymakers who make decisions on resources and rules 
  • Those working for equality bodies and international organisations and agencies. 

Further Information:
