CNWL Recovery and Wellbeing College

CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 21098

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Category: Education & Training Centres, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Medical, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Social and Care Work


The Central and North West London Recovery and Wellbeing College is an innovative and progressive NHS education service offering approximately seventy courses addressing health, mental health, and wellbeing.  Their fundamental mission is to inspire hope and to increase control and opportunity for all in recovery from life’s challenges. The college, which has been open since January 2012, creates a rare and valuable opportunity for all stakeholders within health and social care – staff members, people using services, and their friends and families - to learn together.  These courses are open to all and are led by two trainers: one expert by training, one by experience – both human beings!

Accredited Activities:

  • Understanding Anxiety
  • Building Bodt Confidence and Acceptance
  • Understanding and Manaing a Mental Health Caring Role
  • Coping with Christmastime
  • Setting up a Peer Support Group
  • Understanding Bereavement
  • Coping with Loneliness and Isolation
  • Understanding Complex Emotional Needs
  • Understanding Depression
  • Introduction to Hearing Voices
  • Understanding Domestic Abuse
  • Beating Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination
  • Spiritualty and Wellbeing
  • Staying Steady: Falls Prevention

Who Should Attend:

These courses are open to all who wish to learn more about health, mental health, and wellbeing. Some courses address Health and Wellbeing at Work, other courses are more specifically aimed at developing professional practice within the health/ social care/ coaching fields.

Further Information: