Egyptian Society Of Laparoscopic Surgery ESLS
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 41142
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Category: Communication/Presentation, Education & Training Centres, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Professional Speakers
The Egyptian Society of Laparoscopic Surgery ESLS has been founded January 2004. The main objective from our society is the regulation and development of laparoscopic practice in Egypt. The yearly congress is the society's main event along with so many laparoscopic training courses both basic and advanced. One year ago ESLS initiated the publishing steps of our ESLS journal and the first issue will be available soon.
More than 1000 active members joined the society and there are 15 board members managing the society events
Our society works in conjunction with other organizations as the Egyptian society of Surgeons, Mediterranean and middle east endoscopic association as well the Egyptian Society ob Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery.
Accredited Activities:
Who Should Attend:
The pre-congress workshop will be attended by Junior surgeons and residents in training The congress will be attended by eminent laparoscopic surgeons both from Egypt and other countries as well as junior surgeons, specialists and consultants.