Enhance EHC Ltd
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 50161
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Category: Education & Training Centres, Government, Law & Legislation, Personal & Professional Development
Enhance EHC Ltd is the largest special educational need and disability (SEND) document support service in the UK. We have been supporting multiple Local Authorities with SEN Statements and EHC plans since 1996 and our experience gives us a unique vantage point for delivering and sharing best practice. We have trained hundreds of writers from scratch, ensuring they have the requisite knowledge of the SEND Code of Practice and the skills to write comprehensive and legally compliant SEND documents. Our knowledge and experience have now been developed into an online training platform for Local Authority staff and other SEND professionals.
Accredited Activities:
Who Should Attend:
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) professionals, including Local Authority staff, SENCOs, school staff, freelance EHCP writers and anyone involved in the EHCP assessment process, including educational psychologists and health care professionals.