Hearing Impairment & Visual Impairment Support UK (Hi-Vis UK)
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 22259
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Category: Charity & Voluntary Work, Early Years, Education & Training Centres, Health & Safety, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Social and Care Work
Hi-VisUK was established in 2016 as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation: Hearing Impairment and Visual Impairment Support UK, by the directors of its predecessor SCENE Enterprises CIC.
Hi-VisUK was created from the findings of SCENEs pioneering In Good Hands project. SCENE received £1.3 million of BIG Lottery Silver Dreams Funding to support the innovative work of In Good Hands about dual sensory impairment and acquired communication disorders.
Our new flagship project; Making Waves is supported by the National Lottery Community Fund. Hi-VisUK also delivers training and qualifications across the UK directly and with long term partners SCIE.
Accredited Activities:
Who Should Attend:
The training courses are aimed at Health and Social Care professionals, particularly people who work in an environment that brings them into contact with people dual sensory impairment.