Hoarding Disorders UK (CIC)
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 22412
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Category: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Personal & Professional Development, Safeguarding, Social and Care Work
Hoarding Disorders UK is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company started in 2014.
We help and support people who are affected not only by hoarding and clutter but also by chronic disorganisation. We work with the team around the person to create person-centred approaches to support the well-being of the individuals impacted by their environment and the wider community. A large part of what we do is training those on the front line to be able to support those affected effectively.
We understand that hoarding is a very complex issue and each case is unique. Our approach is non-judgmental and trauma-informed. Our priority is to focus on improving people’s health, safety and wellness. We help empower individuals to make positive changes to their lives.
Hoarding is a complex and long-term condition and an anxiety-based disorder. Much is needed to help dispel the myths about hoarding as being a “lifestyle” choice. Hoarding is often sensationalised, and we aim to educate our delegates to understand what hoarding is, how to recognise the signs of it, develop the need to delve deeper, inquire, be curious, actively listen, and acknowledge the need to facilitate rather than solve. Additionally, there is a need to formulate hoarding protocols, develop hoarding forums and encourage multi-agency collaborative working, identifying too who the key agencies are to support and identify key partners needed to support the challenges of hoarding.
We have identified that there is a real demand for all agencies – both statutory and voluntary as well as independent workers, from care agencies, relatives, cleaning companies, housing, the charity sector as well as emergency services to name but a few to understand the complexities of hoarding.
Accredited Activities:
Who Should Attend:
Our training is suitable for agencies both statutory and voluntary as well as independent workers, from care agencies, relatives, cleaning companies, housing, the charity sector as well as emergency services to name but a few to understand the complexities of hoarding.