Interactifs UK

CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 21373

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Category: Business Skills, Communication/Presentation, Leadership and Management, Logistics & Transport, Management, Personal & Professional Development, Sales


Interactifs' original and proprietary approach equips people in organisations of all sizes and at all levels (from the board down) with a simple set of verbal behaviours and reflexes which enable them, in all of their meetings and conversations, both inside and outside the company, to increase:

  • the authority they convey
  • the influence they exercise
  • the impact they make
  • the results they produce
  • the respect they earn
  • the respect they show
  • the quality of their relationships
  • the enjoyment they derive

Accredited Activities:

  • Impact and Influence course: more positive relationships, more tangible results, more rapidly achieved

Who Should Attend:

The course will increase the effectiveness of anyone in whatever function and at whatever level whose job involves spending a majority of their time talking to other people, inside and/or outside the company.

Interactifs’ course participants are consequently mostly directors, managers, customer-facing executives and sales-people, from blue-chips as well as SMEs.

Further Information: