Jet Set Speaker Ltd
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 41146
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Category: Business Skills, Coaching Programmes & Solutions, Communication/Presentation, Professional Speakers, Property & Surveyors, Sales
Andy Harrington’s organisation Jet Set Speaker Ltd is a leading trainer in eductating individuals, entrepreneurs and business owners how to use public speaking and presentation skills to position them and their business as the go to expert in their chosen field.
Andy has shared the stage with Sir Richard Branson, Anthony Robbins, Sir Alan Sugar, Brian Tracy, Paul McKenna and Bob Proctor of ‘The Secret’, to name but a few.’
Our 4 Day Public Speakers University provides a comprehensive learning experience with a combination of classroom style learning and breakout groups with personal mentoring throughout. Across the 4 days attendees with craft and deliver their presentations step by step until day 4, when they will deliver a 30 minute presentation to a live audience.
Accredited Activities:
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