Kelton Engineering Ltd
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 21347
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Category: Energy & Utilities, Oil & Gas
KELTON® is an independent company specialising in measurement consultancy, auditing, training and the provision of specialist software.
Founded in 1991, KELTON® has over 500 man years of experience of flow measurement systems and an outstanding reputation in the provision of:
Inspection, auditing and certification
Uncertainty analysis
Engineering studies, project management, documentation and technical support
Software applications
KELTON® operate an Integrated Management System and maintain UKAS type ‘C’ Accreditation, in accordance with ISO/IEC 17020: 1998, supporting the inspection and auditing services for oil and gas metering allocation systems. KELTON® is also an Investor in People.
Accredited Activities:
Three day liquid and gas flow measurement training course.
Who Should Attend:
The standard three days courses assume no prior knowledge of flow measurement and are designed to provide the delegates with a basic understanding of why measurement is important. Typical delegates include: managers; metering, process, allocation and production engineers; metering, analyser, production, instrument and allocation technicians; production and instrument supervisors and graduate engineers.
The content includes an introduction to flow measurement, systems overview, design criteria and regulations, uncertainty, allocation principles, prover loops, primary and secondary flow measurement devices, quality measurement, sampling and analysis, gas chromatographs, flow computer equipment and metering management.