Linking Generations Northern Ireland
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 22210
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Category: Charity & Voluntary Work, Education & Training Centres, Government, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Social and Care Work
Linking Generations Northern Ireland inspire and support the growth of an age-friendly society through connecting older and younger people. Being the National lead for intergenerational practice since 2009 they coordinate a Northern Ireland community of practice through their local intergenerational networks and membership.
LGNI use their expertise to build capacity within communities and organisations to use and recognise intergenerational approaches as a catalyst for social change. Through the delivery of tailor-made projects, networking events, training programmes and the provision of advice and support LGNI empower people to implement their own intergenerational solutions in their communities they live and work in.
Accredited Activities:
Who Should Attend:
This training course is aimed at those interested in developing intergenerational work and projects within the communities, organisations and settings. It is particularly relevant to community workers, education providers, care settings and local authority staff.
Further Information: