Medway Iamhs India (Institute of aesthetic medicine and health care science India)
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 50539
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Category: Aesthetics & Beauty, Education & Training Centres, First Aid, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals
Medway Iamhs India institute of Aesthetic medicine and health care science We provide distance learning online self study mode skills upskilling courses that will be helpful for interns, general practitioners and medical students.We provide skills courses in obstetrics and gynaecology, critical care medicine, nutrition and Dietetics, pediatrics, Dermatology.
Accredited Activities:
This provider is currently undergoing accreditation.
Who Should Attend:
The courses Medway Iamhs India provides will help the medical interns or doctors to uspkill there practices for the betterment of patients.Specially for those doctors who practices in rural areas ,we will provide them best clinical skills upskilling courses for the providing best possible treatment facilities in rural areas.