More House School, Frensham
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: PDCD1025
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Category: Education & Training Centres, Neurodiversity, Personal & Professional Development
Nationally celebrated for eighty years, More House has empowered bright boys who might struggle in mainstream schools, to transform their futures and to realise their true potential. The largest school of its kind in Britain, founded in 1939, More House offers a full range of specialist support, particularly for boys with specific learning and language-based difficulties, including Dyslexia, Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). More House School provides full boarding, weekly boarding and day places.
Accredited Activities:
Who Should Attend:
Classroom teachers, Learning Support Assistants, Teaching Assistants, SENCOs and Senior managers interested in developing SEND expertise. Meriel Davenport is Director of Therapy and Assessment at More House School. She is trained as a speech and language therapist and literacy tutor and has worked at More House for many years. She is also very experienced in managing Education, Health and Care Plans, has done much tribunal work and been involved in SEND research. Eleanor Margesson is an English Teacher with many years of experience in different sectors of education. As the Director of Staff Training and Development at More House School, she has developed and implemented a range of approaches for classroom teachers to use, while including SEND pupils in their lessons.
Meriel Davenport
Eleanor Margesson