National Organisation for FASD
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 50307
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Category: Charity & Voluntary Work, Early Years, Education & Training Centres, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Science, Social and Care Work
National FASD was founded in 2003 to provide support to people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), their families and communities. To campaign to raise public awareness; and promotes relevant policies and practices. There are three programmes which are focused on promoting wellbeing for those with FASD and their families, providing materials for GPs, midwives and teachers and creating cutting-edge resources and experiences for people with FASD. This includes a national creative-media prevention campaign aimed at under 25’s, development new state-of-the-art e-learning courses, and a ground-breaking DHSC-funded project: “Me and My FASD” toolkit and setting/ modelling best practices for FASD training:
- (for 15-25 year olds)
- (for young people with FASD)
- (our new e-school)
Accredited Activities: