PT.Mindtera Cita Inovasi

CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 22524

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Category: Business Consulting, Coaches, Education & Training Centres, HR & Recruitment, Leadership and Management, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Personal & Professional Development, Social and Care Work


Founded in 2021 by Tita Ardiati (Co-Founder and CEO) and Bayu Puspito Bhaskoro (Co-Founder and CMO), Mindtera is an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) platform in Indonesia that uses data-driven insights to build a productive and  happy workplace. The company manages employee development, engagement, and well-being, following employees from the hiring process to their retirement. Providing HR optimization for key industry players with Self Mind MasteryTM curriculum on its two platforms Mindtera Pro (analytics dashboard and app) and Mindtera Plus (coaching and consultants access), Mindtera is leading the charge to optimize work culture across the country.

Accredited Activities:

  • Career Ready Coach Certification
  • Career Ready Training Program

Who Should Attend:

We targeted working productive age (21 – 55 years old) from any kind of working industries learn basic fundamental soft skills (e.g. self-awareness, stress management skill, proactivity) needed to survive and thrive in their career.

Further Information: