RDP International Ltd
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 22596
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Category: Business Consulting, Leadership and Management, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Personal & Professional Development
RDPI offers a wide range of training and development. We run our courses in-person and online (as required) throughout the UK, as well as overseas. Courses in the areas of:
- Teamwork and team development (including personality profiling)
- Communications (understanding your communication, management and leadership style and how that impacts how you interact with people)
- Overcoming overwhelm (managing stress, developing resilience, setting and achieving goals more easily and effectively)
- Menopause Demystified (empowering women by providing research-based information)
- Supporting people at midlife (aimed at executives, teams and organisations to help understand what should and can be done to support people as they pass through midlife)
- Male Wellbeing (providing research-based information for anyone with an interest in male wellbeing to empower people to take control and action)
- Menopause cafe Facilitator training (a comprehensive course for anyone wishing to run or organise menopause cafes and similar support groups)
- Menopause mind (helping to manage anxiety and find solutions through an understanding of the emotional wellbeing impact of menopause - including the role of personality)
Accredited Activities:
Who Should Attend:
Our courses are aimed at all sectors, including the public sector (eg. NHS, local and regional councils, government), private sector (organisations of all sizes), education (at all levels) and the not-for-profit sector / NGOs. The midlife suite includes sessions that are tailored to meet the needs of individuals, teams and organisations. People attend for their own personal information and benefit or for that of their team/organisation. Sessions are offered specifically for Boards of Directors, senior executives, managers, teams and mixed groups. Overcoming overwhelm helps groups of people from different areas of an organisation and teams to take control of their everyday stress and build resilience. Increasing the wellbeing of staff, teams and the mental wellbeing in an organisation is not only sound business sense but also part of the duty of care. Sessions focusing on team building, team development and communication help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of working practices, as well as internal communications, teamwork and stakeholder interactions.