CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 22165

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Category: Business Consulting, Business Skills, Coaching Programmes & Solutions, HR & Recruitment, IT & Cyber Security, Leadership and Management, Personal & Professional Development, Security


Red Team Thinking® provides critical thinking and red team training, coaching and facilitation for individuals and organizations across all sectors at all levels, and is focused on unleashing the greatness within people to help them make a real difference.

After best-selling U.S. author Bryce Hoffman wrote the book “Red Teaming” in 2017, he founded Red Team Thinking. Developed by the military and intelligence agencies, red teaming is a revolutionary way to stress-test strategies and plans, expose hidden threats and missed opportunities, engage your people, and be more adaptive and resilient in today’s complex world. Don’t outsource thinking.

Accredited Activities:

RTT Boot Camp Foundation Course

RTT Master Class Series:

  • Assumptions Challenge™
  • Influencer Engineering™
  • Four Ways of Seeing
  • PreMortem Analysis
  • Alternative Futures Analysis
  • Swan Dive™
  • Devil’s Troika™

Who Should Attend:

This training is open to anyone looking to improve their cognitive skills and critical thinking capability by learning a mindset and a set of tools and techniques that have immediate applicability and efficacy. Attendees range from entrepreneurs, front line workers, coaches and business owners through to firefighters, police chiefs, government officials and corporate CEOs.

Further Information: