Sinéad Hegarty Consultancy
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 50545
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Category: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Safeguarding, Social and Care Work
Sinéad Hegarty Consultancy's accredited courses help professionals working with children and families following the disclosure of Child Sexual Abuse. They aim to provide an understanding of trauma and its impact, but also specifically Child Sexual Abuse Trauma, and its impact.
The course ' Working With Families Post CSA,' aims to support those front-line professionals working with families in the aftermath of disclosure, enabling them to understand the many different factors that can impact the support available to a child, depending on who the alleged abuser is. It will also help them tune in to the complexities within the family and the need to understand these in order to support the child and their family. It will encourage professional curiosity in looking at different perspectives, to truly understand the issues for each child and their family, as well as understanding the lived experience of the child, and obstacles/challenges to the support they receive as they begin their recovery from their abusive experiences.
Accredited Activities:
Who Should Attend:
Frontline professionals working with children and families following child sexual abuse, including Social Workers Counsellors, and Psychologists.