Trading College Ltd
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 50033
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Category: Education & Training Centres
Trading College was founded by Lee Sandford. Following an 18-year career in professional football, Lee committed himself to master the markets. Like many beginners, the early years saw him attending a few courses - but this generated little more than frustration. So Lee read avidly and looked further afield. After an enlightening stint in the grains trading pits at the Chicago Board of Trade, he returned to the UK with new vigour. Lee has traded since 2003 and earns his living as a trader. His message to his students: "Become the master of your tools, and you then have a chance of being a highly successful trader. If I can do it, you can do it".
Accredited Activities:
Who Should Attend:
For those wishing to learn how to trade the financial markets.