Vets with Horsepower
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 21080
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Category: Animal Care & Veterinary, Charity & Voluntary Work
Vets with Horsepower are a group of motorbiking senior level vets who go on tour delivering high level CPD for charity. The objective of the tours is to raise money and awareness of specific causes.
The concept was put together between Derek Knottenbelt and other senior biking vets to save the Riding for Disabled Centre, Mali that SPANA ran in conjunction with another partner. They raised enough to secure the future of the centre. The generosity of their supporters meant they also raised enough to purchase a mini bus for the children to be transported in safely, desks and new toys.
Since then they have done 2 further tours and raised in excess of £280,000 for causes. The major benefactor has been SPANA supporting their efforts to help working equines in some of the poorest countries in the world, and by helping the animal help the families so dependent on them.
Accredited Activities:
Who Should Attend:
Vets and Charities