Wave Connections
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 21411
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Category: Business Skills, Coaching Programmes & Solutions, Early Years, Education & Training Centres, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Personal & Professional Development
Wave Connections is an experiential learning organisation. It's aim and purpose is to assist schools, local authorities, children & Families to become attachment aware. Enhance relationships & emotional well-being. Little Blossoms Yoga is an independent organization. Together, service delivery has focused on developing therapeutic training courses for children, parents, schools and teachers in meeting the needs of children who are adopted.
Specialized training programme's include mindfulness training, Attachment in the classroom training. Consultation and advice with regards to behavioural and emotional health management. To enhance educational experiences, coping strategies for daily lives and empower greater mental health and well-being.
Training courses cater for the needs of children, families & schools who work with children who may have experienced developmental trauma, have attachment difficulties, emotional health concerns that impact on achieving education attainment, behavioral needs.
Specializing in Mindfulness, Theraplay and Attachment based Development Dyadic Psychotherapy (DDP).
Accredited Activities:
Who Should Attend:
The Mindful Adult course is aimed at parents and professionals who come into contact with children: Teachers, Occupational Therapists, Paediatricians, GP’s, Social Workers and Psychologists. The courses enables strategies for behavioural management, self-care, stress management and enhances emotional health and emotional regulation while managing child’s well-being. Attachment in the Classroom and P.A.C.E training is aimed at teachers. Behavioural and emotional well-being strategies are encompassed within the courses. Courses for Schools enable the school to become an attachment focused school, thus enhancing the educational experiences of children and young people, and enhancing professional development of Teachers.