British Institute of Interior Design (BIID)

The British Institute of Interior Design (BIID) is the only professional institute for interior designers in the UK. Our growing membership represents both the commercial and residential sectors, from heritage to cutting-edge. In addition to rigorous entry requirements which assess training, experience and professionalism, we require our members to continue their professional development throughout their career to ensure their continued expertise in design process, practice and regulatory matters. For those wishing to find an interior designer or to confirm the credibility of a potential interior designer, we offer a directory of our Registered Interior Designers.
All BIID Registered Interior Designers are required to undertake and record 20 hours of CPD activity in each membership year (1st April to 31st March). A minimum of 10 hours of CPD activity must be ‘structured’ and the remaining hours can be ‘unstructured’.
To find out more information about BIID, visit their website here -
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Please contact the professional institute, regulator or membership organisation for more information.