British Society of Soil Science (BSSS)

The British Society of Soil Science (BSSS) was founded in 1947 and is an established international membership organisation and charity committed to the study of soil in its widest aspects. The society brings together those working within academia, practitioners implementing soil science in industry and all those working with, or with an interest in soils.
Research on soils and enhanced understanding and engagement with soils is essential for agricultural, landscaping, construction, remediation, conservation and archaeological projects, as well as policy direction on critical topics such as climate change. Our members are employed by both private and public sector institutions including academic universities, conservation charities, construction companies and agri-environmental consultancies.
Professionals accept responsibility for the maintenance and enhancement of their levels of knowledge, skills and professional competence. The BSSS CPD Programme gives members the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to the continuing development of their overall professional competence and to maximise their ability to contribute to society, through the application of the skills acquired throughout their professional life.
Full or Fellow members of the British Society of Soil Science are required to undertake and record Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities on an annual basis, as detailed in the Society’s Code of Conduct. In order to retain the M.I. Soil Sci or F.I. Soil Sci designation, all Full or Fellow members must comply with the Society’s CPD standard.
Visit their website here -
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