Chartered Institute of Management Accountants

CIMA is the world’s largest and leading professional body of management accountants. Our mission is to help people and businesses to succeed in the public and private sectors.
CIMA have more than 218,000 members and students operating in 177 countries. They work at the heart of business in industry, commerce and not for profit organisations. CIMA have strong relationships with employers, and sponsor leading research.
CIMA professional development is the continuing professional development scheme for CIMA members; it supports you in your career by helping you identify your future learning needs.
All CIMA members and CGMA designation holders are required to undertake CPD and keep a record of their development activities.
CIMA members do not need to count hours or units. Instead, they ask members to do as much as necessary to maintain their professional competence and meet their career goals
To find out about the CPD requirements for CIMA members please click here for various videos, guides and contacts around CIMA's CPD Policy.
For more CPD information please contact this organisation directly.
This information is for educational purposes only to provide an overview of the CPD policy and practice for this profession.
The CPD Standards Office does not have any direct or contractual relationships with any organisation listed in this resource, nor are they formally affiliated or classified as an accredited CPDSO provider.
Please contact the professional institute, regulator or membership organisation for more information.