Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

The IET inspires, informs and influences the global engineering community to engineer a better world. As a diverse home across engineering and technology, they share knowledge that helps make better sense of the world in order to solve the challenges that matter. It’s why they are uniquely placed to champion engineering.


Professionally active IET members should aim to undertake a minimum of 30 hours of CPD per calendar year, which could be split as follows:

Area Number of hours
Personal technical knowledge/skills Ten hours
Job role technical knowledge/skills Ten hours
Personal soft skills Ten hours

Registered members (CEng, IEng, EngTech or ICTTec) must also follow the Engineering Council's CPD code.

The IET offers a wide variety of products and services to support members’ CPD activities, many of which are free or discounted to members.

For more CPD information please contact this organisation directly.

This information is for educational purposes only to provide an overview of the CPD policy and practice for this profession.

The CPD Standards Office does not have any direct or contractual relationships with any organisation listed in this resource, nor are  they formally affiliated or classified as an accredited CPDSO provider.

Please contact the professional institute, regulator or membership organisation for more information.