The Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT)

The Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter.
ACT set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through their internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. They are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting, and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow.
There are no units to count or hours to complete. The ACT system is flexible, giving you the chance to develop your skills and apply them to the real world – on your terms.
CPD is for all active Fellows and Associate members. The CPD year runs from the 1 May to the 30 April.
For more CPD information please contact this organisation directly.
This information is for educational purposes only to provide an overview of the CPD policy and practice for this profession.
The CPD Standards Office does not have any direct or contractual relationships with any organisation listed in this resource, nor are they formally affiliated or classified as an accredited CPDSO provider.
Please contact the professional institute, regulator or membership organisation for more information.