The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP)

The Royal College of General Practitioners are the professional membership body for GPs in the UK. Their purpose is to encourage, foster and maintain the highest possible standards in general medical practice.
RCGP supports GPs through all stages of their career, from medical students considering general practice, through to training, qualified years, and retirement.
As a practising GP, over the five-year revalidation cycle, RCGP members must demonstrate appropriate CPD to keep up-to-date for each scope of practice. The RCGP follow the General Medical Council's CPD guidance.
The RGCP requires members to undertake a minimum of 50 credits of CPD a year, covering a broad range of general practice topics over 5 years. This should equate to 250 over 5 years.
For more CPD information please contact this organisation directly.
This information is for educational purposes only to provide an overview of the CPD policy and practice for this profession.
The CPD Standards Office does not have any direct or contractual relationships with any organisation listed in this resource, nor are they formally affiliated or classified as an accredited CPDSO provider.
Please contact the professional institute, regulator or membership organisation for more information.