Brightest Bulb
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 21551
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Category: Business Skills, HR & Recruitment, Personal & Professional Development, PR & Media
Video for business isn’t new. It’s been around for years but has often been seen as being too expensive for many organisations. But now, thanks to developments in technology, it’s become accessible and affordable for most. We’re part of a generation lucky enough to have a high-definition video camera and editing suite in our pockets – a smartphone.
If you own a smartphone, you have the means to:
- Create more engaging content
- Improve engagement with your audiences
- Improve retention of your messaging
- Increase your sales
- Significantly reduce your costs in content creation
- Create regular content that is relevant and current
But although you have the means, you may not have the necessary skills. That’s where Brightest Bulb comes in.
Our iDEC® (individual, Director, Editor, Cameraperson) smartphone training method will enable you to shoot edit and distribute well-structured, engaging content including:
- How to videos o Explanatory videos
- Presenting to camera videos
- Montage videos set to music with captions
- Storytelling videos
- New product videos
- Voiceover driven videos
- Interviews o Testimonials
- Videos with animated text
- Vox pops videos
- Training videos
- Recruitment and induction videos
You can undertake the iDEC® training courses in three ways; via our eLearning course, Face to Face training on location at your offices or live webinars. If you’d like a hybrid version, we are more than happy to organise this.
We have trained organisations from all sectors and of all sizes - from a sole trader who wants to be the über of window cleaners to a multinational manufacturer of confectionery, pet food, and other food products.
Our clients include Adidas, MARS Inc, Coty, Barclays, BMW, Porsche, Scottish Government, HMRC, University of Warwick, Aston University, Clarins, Chase de Vere, First Rate, Whittards, The Restaurant Group, Ipsos, Essex County Council, UK Med and the Oxford Community Foundation.
Our course attendees have included people from learning and development, training, HR, internal comms, marketing and sales. The iDEC® Smartphone video training course is applicable to all industry sectors as illustrated by our clients.
Accredited Activities:
iDEC® Foundation Training Course – Creating Videos on your Smartphone Trainers: Ralph Tittley: Ralph spent the early days of his career as online editor in a busy London facility using tape-based suites, working on broadcast, corporate and commercial television. His credits include Bite Back, TV Hell, Mushroom Magic, The Late Show, Newsnight, Horizon, Equinox, New West. He has since produced and directed numerous live-action and animated television productions including TV commercials, documentaries and 3D kids series. Production credits include Gardener’s World, Pebble Mill, Heartland, King of the Road, Out & About with clients such as Cadbury’s, GE Capital, Dixons and Land Rover.
Method of delivery:
1) Face to Face training – Open Course
2) Face to Face Training – Bespoke Course
3) Training via a webinar platform – Open Course
4) Training via a webinar platform – Bespoke Course
5) Training delivered via the iDEC eLearning platform
John Dixon John began his working life in the theatre across the UK as a writer, director and performer. From there, he started writing for BBC radio and ITV 1 promotions, which led him into directing TV commercials and making factual programming for ITV. John has been producer, director on a wide range of productions including the series ‘Music Uncovered’ for ITV1, Keeping up with the Kids for BBC1, Wizards and Alchemists for the Discovery Channel and Live in the Fast Lane for ESPN. John has created a wide range of branded content for clients including Microsoft, Jaguar Landrover, Abu Dhabi Tourism, IBM, Mubadala and the NHS.
Who Should Attend:
Our course attendees have included people from learning and development, training, HR, internal comms, marketing and sales. The iDEC® Smartphone Video Training Course is applicable to all industry sectors as illustrated by our clients.