Damien Lynch ECONOMICS Ltd
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 70063
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Category: Accountancy, Aesthetics & Beauty, Animal Care & Veterinary, Architecture, Business Consulting, Business Skills, Charity & Voluntary Work, Coaching Programmes & Solutions, Communication/Presentation, Construction & Building Maintenance, CPD Providers, Early Years, Education & Training Centres, Engineering, Environmental Services, Events & Networking, Financial Services & Legislation, Governance & Compliance, Government, Health & Safety, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, HR & Recruitment, IT & Cyber Security, Languages, Law & Legislation, Leadership and Management, Logistics & Transport, Management, Manufacturing & Production, Marketing & Advertising, Medical, Oil & Gas, Professional Speakers, Project Management, Property & Surveyors, Sales, Science, Security, Social and Care Work
Damien Lynch ECONOMICS Ltd
- Main Service: Economic Research Based Speeches that are commissioned by the HR departments of large firms.
- The objective being that the attendees are made aware of something general or specific about their industry, all the while qualifying for 1 hour of CE credit.
Founded January 7th
- Unique characteristics is that a speech is given from a perspective that is lacking. The economists perspective. How the industry in question relates to the economy and vice versa.
Damien Lynch ECONOMICS Ltd will work with large organisations in any sector, wherever a CPD need exists.
Accredited Activities:
Damien Lynch is an accredited speaker with the CPD Standards Office.
Who Should Attend:
Anyone who has to maintain a CPD record with their society, in any industry at any level.