DARE – Development Advice & Resources
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 22849
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Category: Coaching Programmes & Solutions, Education & Training Centres, HR & Recruitment
DARE (Development Advice & Resources) is a consulting company with a focus on helping organizations realize the potential in their people and on helping people discover their talents.
Services are organized into four areas: People Strategy; Organizational Performance; Talent Management; Adoption and Change Management Execution.
- HR consulting & management (HR Audit, HR process creation and implementation, HR strategy, Organizational Design, assessment centers, HR coaching & mentoring);
- Training & development programs (Romania & Asia – Recruitment, Performance Management, HR Business Partner,
- Conflict Management, Design Thinking, HR Business Partner etc.);
- Talent Day Webinars (partnership with HRC DIGITAL GENERATION, Italy);
- Diversity & Inclusion PDT Global Associate;
- Profiling – Life Styles Inventory 1 (self assessment) & 2 (360 degree feedback), GSI (Group Styles Inventory), MEPS, OCI
- OEI - Human Synergistics certified; Great People Inside certified;
- Mentoring - Școala de HR, Professional Women’s Network, She is Mom;
- Educational programs and workshops;
- Career coaching;
- Coaching.
@ DARE we reinvent the relations between people so that they could learn and grow together sharing their passions and values.
@ DARE we dare to dream, act, react, transform, create, innovate.
@ DARE we care.
Accredited Activities:
This provider is currently undergoing accreditation.
Who Should Attend:
HR employees at all levels, managers, people interested in HR, and entrepreneurs.