CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 22424
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Category: Education & Training Centres, HR & Recruitment, Leadership and Management, Personal & Professional Development, Social and Care Work
DFN Project SEARCH is the biggest transition to work programme for people with a learning disability and autism
in the world! Less than 6% of people with a learning disability are in paid work in the UK. Yet 70% of those on
our programme secure work, at above minimum wage.
We are evidence-based, high aiming and committed to continuous improvement. We are global leaders in
our field. Our programme is based on strong partnerships, and we provide the model, tools, training, and quality
assurance to enable great outcomes. This model has been running for 25 years and is evidently sustainable!
Accredited Activities:
Who Should Attend:
These trainings are for local authority and college and school SEND and Transition specialists, managers and leaders as well as supported employment agencies, employers offering internship programmes and careers advisors in the SEND field. 2 Employer Champion – 2.5 hours This training is for leaders, managers and mentors who are already working with young autistic people or people with a learning disability and/or are passionate about supporting young autistic people or people with a learning disability into employment and want to make a real difference by sharing their experience, enthusiasm, knowledge and good practice 3 Teaching and Training For Success – 15.5 hours This training is for teachers, coaches and others who are working on DFN Project SEARCH programmes across the UK, Ireland and Iberia or are just about to start their programme and getting ready for their first cohort of interns 4 Overview and Planning – 10 hours These trainings are for local authority and college and school SEND and Transition specialists, managers and leaders as well as supported employment agencies, employer business liaisons who are about to start a DFN Project SEARCH programme in their community