Forensic Investigations and Training Solutions Ltd
CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 22131
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Category: Business Consulting, Governance & Compliance, HR & Recruitment
Forensic Investigation and Training Solutions (FITS) Ltd is an Irish-registered company founded in 2017. We provide a suite of investigative, advisory, and training solutions to Public and Private Sector Organisations as well as individuals with investigative, compliance, or regulatory mandates.
We provide a professional, bespoke investigation and training service designed especially for our client's needs including:
conducting investigations; coordinating investigations; training the client’s team in investigation techniques and practice; providing guidance.
Our team has extensive knowledge and understanding of the legal and cultural context surrounding investigations and training in Ireland, allied with extensive international experience.
Accredited Activities:
Who Should Attend:
Our investigative interviewing training is designed for individuals who are responsible for interviewing a diverse range of individuals during the course of their work. It is tailored for professionals tasked with gathering accurate, reliable information or managing difficult workplace conversations. This training will be of interest to Compliance and Regulatory Investigators, HR Professionals, Legal Professionals, Child Welfare Professionals, Private Investigators, Law Enforcement Professionals and Auditors.