CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 2115969
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Category: Coaching Programmes & Solutions, Education & Training Centres, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Universities & Colleges
RESEARCHER COACHING (part of the Rodetal Ltd family). Researcher Coaching provides specialist professional development and coaching to researchers and academics.
COACHING, TRAINING & FACILITATION We offer bespoke face-to-face and online group training workshops and coaching for PhD students, early career researchers, senior academics and education professionals across the world. We also provide awayday facilitation and teambuilding, group problem solving and project coaching to universities, businesses and charities more widely.
WELLBEING & PRODUCTIVITY SUPPORT Our well-being, and productivity support includes full-day group coaching retreats focusing exclusively on productivity, resilience skills group seminars and impostor syndrome buster webinars alongside individual 1-to-1 coaching programmes.
Accredited Activities:
Dr Katy R Mahoney is our lead coach and is accredited by the CDP Standards Office. Katy works with researchers and professional academics providing 1 to 1 coaching that can be fitted around busy schedules for maximum impact. Katy is a specialist researcher performance and development expert; she has been supporting researchers and academics across world since 2006. If your programme of coaching is delivered by Dr Katy R Mahoney she can issue CPD points and CPDSO certificates. Katy’s other qualifications and accreditations Coaching: Personality and psychometric testing: Academic recognition:
Who Should Attend:
Researcher Coaching works with clients who have integrity, a desire to make a change and a drive to achieve. Our accredited coaching is for PhD students, early career researchers, senior academics and education professionals across the world. We also provide awayday facilitation and teambuilding, group problem solving and project coaching to universities, businesses and charities more widely. Our CDP Standards Office accredited coach, Dr Katy R Mahoney, shares her commitment as serving those who work towards ensuring their passion and enthusiasm is part of their job. Often she coaches clients who are juggling the challenges of their professional role with the demands of family life and the pressure to manage everything else. Through humour, storytelling and challenge, she offers calm and heartfelt reassurance, drawing out her clients tenacity and courage to become their better selves.