CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 41171
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Category: Education & Training Centres, Governance & Compliance, Personal & Professional Development, Professional Institutes & Associations
NEDonBoard, the Institute of Board Members is the professional membership and development body for non-executive directors and board members.
We are an authoritative platform made by board members for board members, providing independent, curated, practical and actionable insights for directors to secure non-executive roles and excel in the boardroom.
Our professional training programmes have been developed to create extraordinary NEDs; board members who are effective change makers, equipped with best practice principles to make a positive impact in the boardroom. Non-executive director training from NEDonBoard provides all the tools that new and experienced NEDs and board members require to reach their full potential. Safeguard your reputation for years to come.
Accredited Activities:
Who Should Attend:
The NEDonBoard training courses, programmes and events are aimed at business leaders on track to become a non-executive director and at experienced board members, looking to invest in and continue their professional development. NEDonBoard provides the practical knowledge and insights for professionals to be effective board members for the benefit of stakeholders and the wider society.