CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 50209
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Category: Business Skills, Charity & Voluntary Work, Early Years, Education & Training Centres, Health & Safety, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, HR & Recruitment, Leadership and Management, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Social and Care Work
Founded in 2016, Shawmind is a registered charity and charitable company governed by a dynamic and active Board that is passionate about mental health. Shawmind is committed to helping individuals and organisations understand mental health & emotional wellbeing. Through our corporate wellbeing services, mental health training, Breathe community outreach programme (Breathe Cafes, Mindful Meanders, ManCave and BreatheUni) and our national network of trained volunteers, we are helping hundreds of young people and adults throughout the country lead positive, fulfilled lives. In addition to several schools, we work with clients including Julius Baer, Marsh, Hoare Lea and Oxford Saïd Business School.
Accredited Activities:
Who Should Attend:
Senior managers, directors who set organisational strategy with regards to mental health & wellbeing; Team leaders who are responsible for managing staff – including teachers and school leadership groups / heads.